I hear that the PMHN exam might be changing soon. Is that true?
Yes, it is 100% true. On September 16, 2024, ANCC will launch its updated exam with some new topics and lots of new questions. And PMHRN is ready! As of August 31, 2024, PMHRN's highly successful exam prep Master Course has been fully updated with lots of new, test-relevant content--everything you need to pass ANCC's PMHN exam the first time!
Who’s eligible to take the exam?
You must have the following qualifications to sit for the exam:
--> Hold a current, active RN license in a state or territory of the United States or hold the professional, legally recognized equivalent in another country;
--> Have practiced the equivalent of 2 years full-time as a registered nurse
--> Have a minimum of 2,000 hours of clinical practice in psychiatric–mental health nursing within the last 3 years.
--> Have completed 30 hours of continuing education in psychiatric–mental health nursing within the last 3 years.
When is the exam offered?
First step is to apply through the ANCC website. Once ANCC has reviewed your application and your credentials have been verified (which usually takes 3-4 weeks), you’ll receive an email that gives you a 90-day window in which you can sit for the exam. Within those 90 days, the exact date of your exam is up to you.
How much does the exam cost?
There is a $395 registration fee for non-ANA and non-APNA members that you have to pay up front in order to register for the exam. There's a significant discount if you are a member of either of these organizations. Also, BE SURE TO CHECK WITH YOUR EMPLOYER ABOUT POSSIBLY PAYING FOR THIS! If your employer is part of ANCC’s Success Pays Program, it may cost you nothing to take this exam! (And Success Pays offers a free re-take if you need it!)
Where are the exams given?
There are testing centers all over the US. For exact addresses, go to: www.prometric.com/ancc
What kind of exam is it?
--> ANCC's PMHN exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, given via computer;
--> Only 125 of those 150 will count towards your grade. The other 25 are being tested for validity and future use. You will not know which ones count and which do not. Just assume they all count;
--> There is only one answer to each question, with no combination answers such as “Both A and C,” etc.;
--> There are no True/False questions or fill in the blank questions;
--> You can skip a question and come back to it any time before you finish the exam.
How much time will I be given to complete the exam?
You’ll have 180 minutes (3 hours) to complete the 150 questions. That translates to about 1 minute per question, with enough time left over to go back and check all your answers and make sure you’ve answered them all.
When would I get my results?
You get your results immediately. You’ll be provided a pass/fail report before you leave the facility.
What are the advantages of being board certified?
It significantly increases your professionalism, making you a stronger candidate for hiring and promotions. Most report that it increases their sense of confidence on the job, which increases their sense of satisfaction and enjoyment in their work. And, with many employers, you'll earn more! Check with the HR Department about what kind of differential is offered to nurses who are board certified.
How do I get ready for it?
PMHRN has been providing affordable, highly effective, test-relevant exam prep materials for ANCC's PMHN Board Certification Exam since 2018. We provide you with 73 test-relevant videos , ranging from 2-17 minutes long, on topics including:
Scope and Standards of Practice
Code of Ethics and the Tarasoff Rule
Legal Terms and Issues Every Psych Nurse Must Know
Trauma Informed Care
Culturally Sensitive Nursing Care
Review of Important Theorists
Psychiatric Assessment Tools
20 Psychiatric Definitions
Psychiatric Diagnoses
Best Practice Nursing Interventions by Diagnosis
Psychotropic Medications, Their Side Effects, and Adverse Reaction
Medication Reconciliation
Key Lab Values to Know
Milieu Therapy
Group Therapy and Yalom's 11 Curative Factors
Therapeutic Nursing Groups RNs Can Run
Keys to Best-Practice Documentation
Nursing Research, Terms, EBP, and Critical Thinking
Psychiatric Nursing Case Management
Five Stages of Behavioral Change
Three Levels of Prevention
Three Types of Crises
Psychiatric Outpatient Care
Sentinel Event/Serious Reportable Event
Nicotine Cessation
2 Reports to Know
PLUS 40 Practice Questions with Discussion and Rationales
What makes PMHRN's Master Course better than the rest?
Each topic has its own lesson, so its super easy to navigate around the course
It's done in a straightforward, conversational style
The course is taught by expert psychiatric nurse educator, Alison Miller
Presentations are colorful and dynamic and include real-life examples
The material has been expanded and updated for ANCC's new 2024 PMHN exam
Each lesson 2-17 minutes long, so you'll never get bored
Each lesson focuses on just the information you need to pass the exam
The videos and PDFs are accessible from all devices
Access to the materials is immediate upon enrollment...and never expires!
And best of all, you have personal, direct access to the instructor! No other PMHN exam prep course offers this! If you get stuck on a topic, Alison offers a free 15-minute phone session anytime you have questions.